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Meet Vawdrey’s Geoff Carroll

Consistency and growth remain the key indicators for Australia’s largest independent trailer builder Vawdrey. The company recently appointed a new state manager to strengthen its New South Wales division.

“The trailer market in NSW is quite vibrant and distinctive at the moment, so Vawdrey wanted someone who could look after the business in the key divisions of sales, service and parts”, Vawdrey‘s new NSW State Manager Geoff Carroll, says.

Geoff brings a wealth of commercial transport experience to the role. From 2002, he was General Manager Retail for UD Trucks, and following the Volvo Group’s acquisition of Nissan Diesel in 2007, Geoff was appointed to Dealer Principle of Mack Trucks. After two and half years he took up a post at Peninsula Motor Group as General Manager Heavy Vehicles.

“When the opportunity came up to handle Vawdrey’s NSW branch, it was too good to pass up,” he says. “I started my career a long time ago as an apprentice mechanic and gradually worked my up within the transport buying diflucan online industry. I feel having developed through the industry will give the edge needed to assist Vawdrey and effectively grow their business across NSW. Over the past decade I have worked in management, and it made sense to continue working on this side of the business.”

According to Geoff, addressing Vawdrey’s service and repair departments is top priority. “Retail is a very reactive environment, which means we need to be always actively pursuing our business and improving ourselves internally,” Geoff explains. “That also includes providing quality service and repairs, and constantly building our client relationships.

The NSW branch sets the benchmark by offering sales, mechanical; body and smash repair; trailer refurbishment as well as supplying all spare parts to the end user in a one stop shop, based within the transport hub of Western Sydney. The Eastern Creek site is in the transport precinct with many of the country’s largest fleets and is serviced by the M7 and M4 Motorways.

Author: Staff Writer